6 tips to Conquer Postpartum Depression 

Postpartum  depression (PPD) was the furthest thing from my mind during pregnancy, so once Kai was two months and I was diagnosed, I was ashamed. Becoming a new mom is a journey and on that journey, there will be a few bumps in the road. Here are a few of my tips to help conquer PPD:

  1. Speak up
  2. Keep a journal
  3. Find time for yourself
  4. Take breaks to help clear your head
  5. Lean on family and friends for support
  6. Join a support group of other moms

PPD is very common and mothers should feel comfortable to speak out about it. The cause of post-partum depression has many factors which include adjusting to motherhood, fatigue, psychological and hormonal changes as well as many others. I hope this post helps other moms who have had or are currently having symptoms of PPD feel more comfortable talking about their feelings and hopefully seek the support they need to cope.

Published by TheMomTea

The mommy blogger who proves you don't have to choose between motherhood and career.

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